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  • 64e0519f74829 bpthumb

    René Hjorth

    agosto 23, 2024 en 09:58 en respuesta a How to plate this like a chef?

    Thanks a lot Marilyn!

    Great inspiration. I’m travelling but will definitely recreate the dish when im back in a week following your advice – and naturally posting it here for more discussion and possibilities 🙂

  • 64e0519f74829 bpthumb

    René Hjorth

    agosto 23, 2024 en 09:57 en respuesta a How to plate this like a chef?

    Thank you. I have taken these causes but i didn’t think i grasped it well enough, which is why im looking for more specifik help.

    Generally a before and after picture deck could also be quite valuable?

  • 64e0519f74829 bpthumb

    René Hjorth

    agosto 19, 2023 en 22:34 en respuesta a Plating “ugly” food


    The Quenelle would probably be too limited, so I’ll continue experimenting on how to get it nicer.

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