Respuestas creadas en el foro

  • 67d09e86a752c bpthumb


    marzo 5, 2025 en 20:07 en respuesta a Croissants (Antonio Bachour Class)

    Hello Susan,

    Thank you for your fast reply, but:

    1- I used the gruau rouge flour (Grands moulin de Paris) with a very good PL. For the detrempe I used your recipe, same amount of cold butter, Cold milk, yeast, flour, and everything, kneading it at a room temperature of 18degC and couldn’t achieve the gluten network within 15 min. After 15min the dough reached 24 degC so I stopped kneading… If I stopped kneading at a detrempe temperature 18degC, the gluten network wouldn’t have formed either…

    3- I freezed the detrempe because in Chef Antonio Bachour class he said so… he said that we should no put the dough in the fridge because it will develop an acidic flavor…

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