Respuestas creadas en el foro

  • profile avatar buddyboss 50


    febrero 29, 2024 en 19:32 en respuesta a The problem in the final product of the croissant

    Thank you very much and once again thank you for the encouragement and support I hope to succeed in the end

  • profile avatar buddyboss 50


    febrero 29, 2024 en 15:24 en respuesta a The problem in the final product of the croissant

    Hello… At the beginning I want to thank you for your to help and support all the way and the time. This indicates great professionalism in your company

    and as I see there is Almination in the Crousson.

  • profile avatar buddyboss 50


    marzo 20, 2024 en 07:44 en respuesta a problem in the dental stage of kneading the biga dough

    First, thank you for answering my question
    Yes, I use a home mixer and not a professional one. In addition to that, the amount of flour for both is about 500 grams in all stages. Because the water did not mix with the biga dough, I soaked the dough longer and I also increased the speed of the mixer, in the end it turned out moderately because I added a little flour

  • profile avatar buddyboss 50


    febrero 14, 2024 en 09:42 en respuesta a shahee

    Thank you, it is very excellent and gives the possibility to understand things well

  • profile avatar buddyboss 50


    febrero 14, 2024 en 09:38 en respuesta a shahee

    thank you very much for the detailed answer. I think this happened because I put the dough in the freezer for 24 hours, and after that I put it in the refrigerator for an hour before the fermentation and baking process in the oven.

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