Respuestas creadas en el foro
Sol Damiani
Administradoragosto 28, 2024 en 14:58 en respuesta a What happend to"Langoustine cannelloni" , the video clip just only shows halfLevel:Scoolinary Team
Hey there 小白兔 土拨鼠!👋
Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!
I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.
I hope Sussan’s answer helped you. Please let us know if it did.
This is a Community that values your participation a lot: that’s why we created “Masters Game”
Win Scoolipoints by share a pic of your own dishes in our Community > Social Feed section. If it is really cool you can snag a #ScooliStar: you’ll win 250 Scoolipoints and we’ll give you a shoutout on social media!🤩
🏆Check out our Challenges and score 450 Scoolipoints!
You’ll see everything you need to know about how to win Scoolipoints here.
Let’s build a community of foodies together.
We hope you have a blast learning with Scoolinary!
Scoolinary Team
Hey there Daniel!👋
Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!
I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.
Please let us know which device you are using and if you are entering our platform through our app or browser to identify why this errors may be occuring. I suplanted you and could see some recipes correctly.
Thanks for your suggestion about the changing metrics button. Our Team has this on its agenda.
This is a Community that values your participation a lot: that’s why we created “Masters Game”
Win Scoolipoints by share a pic of your own dishes in our Community > Social Feed section. If it is really cool you can snag a #ScooliStar: you’ll win 250 Scoolipoints and we’ll give you a shoutout on social media!🤩
🏆Check out our Challenges and score 450 Scoolipoints!
You’ll see everything you need to know about how to win Scoolipoints here.
Let’s build a community of foodies together.
We hope you have a blast learning with Scoolinary!
Sol Damiani
Administradoragosto 27, 2024 en 23:14 en respuesta a Que tipo de masa es la mejor para panadería italiana?Level:Scoolinary Team
Scoolinary Team
Sol Damiani
Administradoragosto 27, 2024 en 23:12 en respuesta a no veo el video croquetas de jamonLevel:Scoolinary Team
¡Hola Juan Ramón!👋
¡Te damos la bienvenida a la Comunidad Scoolinary! 😊Mi nombre es Sol y soy la Responsable de Comunidad. Únete a nuestro increíble grupo de amantes de la comida y comparte tu pasión por cocinar.
¡Qué bueno saber que puedes ver el video de las croquetas! Espero que te salgan de 10.
Esta es una comunidad que valora mucho tu participación: por eso creamos “Masters Game”
Gana Scoolipoints compartiendo una foto de tus propios platos en nuestra sección Comunidad > Actividad. Si es realmente genial, puedes obtener un #ScooliStar: ¡ganarás 250 Scoolipoints y te mencionaremos en nuestras redes sociales! 🤩
🏆 ¡Gana nuestros Challenges (Retos) y obtén 450 Scoolipoints!
Aquí verás todo lo que necesitas saber sobre cómo ganar Scoolipoints.
Construyamos juntos una comunidad de amantes de la Gastronomía.
¡Esperamos que te diviertas aprendiendo con Scoolinary!
Sol Damiani
Administradoragosto 27, 2024 en 23:11 en respuesta a ¿Por qué hay clases que están con candado y no puedo verlas?Level:Scoolinary Team
¡Hola Enrique!👋
¡Te damos la bienvenida a la Comunidad Scoolinary! 😊Mi nombre es Sol y soy la Responsable de Comunidad. Únete a nuestro increíble grupo de amantes de la comida y comparte tu pasión por cocinar.
Por favor procede como te indica Sussan y si quieres, agrega en ese mail con qué Lección estás teniendo ese inconveniente. Por favor, cuéntanos si logran ayudarte.
Esta es una comunidad que valora mucho tu participación: por eso creamos “Masters Game”
Gana Scoolipoints compartiendo una foto de tus propios platos en nuestra sección Comunidad > Actividad. Si es realmente genial, puedes obtener un #ScooliStar: ¡ganarás 250 Scoolipoints y te mencionaremos en nuestras redes sociales! 🤩
🏆 ¡Gana nuestros Challenges (Retos) y obtén 450 Scoolipoints!
Aquí verás todo lo que necesitas saber sobre cómo ganar Scoolipoints.
Construyamos juntos una comunidad de amantes de la Gastronomía.
¡Esperamos que te diviertas aprendiendo con Scoolinary!
Sol Damiani
Administradoragosto 27, 2024 en 23:08 en respuesta a RECETA DE SEMIFREDO DE ACEDERA Y SEIFRIO DE ALBAHACALevel:Scoolinary Team
Sol Damiani
Administradoragosto 27, 2024 en 23:07 en respuesta a Tiempo de almacenado de la masa de la pizza napolitanaLevel:Scoolinary Team
Hola Luis
¿Cómo estás?
Traigo al hilo a mi querida @sussan_scoolinaryteam para que nos ayude con tu consulta.
Te cuento que acabamos de lanzar un Juego en nuestra Comunidad y ahora puedes ganar Scoolipoints por tu participación🎖️: te enteras todo de nuestro “Scoolinary Masters Game” haciendo click aquí.
Scoolinary Team
Hey there Cristina!👋
Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!
I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.
I hope Sussan’s answer helped you. Please let us know if it did.
This is a Community that values your participation a lot: that’s why we created “Masters Game”
Win Scoolipoints by share a pic of your own dishes in our Community > Social Feed section. If it is really cool you can snag a #ScooliStar: you’ll win 250 Scoolipoints and we’ll give you a shoutout on social media!🤩
🏆Check out our Challenges and score 450 Scoolipoints!
You’ll see everything you need to know about how to win Scoolipoints here.
Let’s build a community of foodies together.
We hope you have a blast learning with Scoolinary!
Scoolinary Team
Hi Chef Steve
I reviewed your previous posts on our Forum and checked you’ve already had this issue before. You solved it by deleting the cookies. Please tell us if you have already tried that out.
In case you did and you still can’t see the subtitles, I’m going to ask my partner Rocío from Support to email you so you can solve this issue faster.
Have a great day!
Scoolinary Team
Hey there Chef Zipporah!👋
Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!
I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.
I hope Sussan’s and Cary’s answer helped you. Please let us know if it did.
This is a Community that values your participation a lot: that’s why we created “Masters Game”
Win Scoolipoints by share a pic of your own dishes in our Community > Social Feed section. If it is really cool you can snag a #ScooliStar: you’ll win 250 Scoolipoints and we’ll give you a shoutout on social media!🤩
🏆Check out our Challenges and score 450 Scoolipoints!
You’ll see everything you need to know about how to win Scoolipoints here.
Let’s build a community of foodies together.
We hope you have a blast learning with Scoolinary!
Scoolinary Team
We are so glad you find our help quick and thorough ☺
We are here for anything you may need! Remeber to share your pics on our Social Feed so we can see your creations.
Have a lovely day!
Scoolinary Team
Thank you so much for your kind words, Cary. It’s so much appreciated you notice our devotion to our tasks and the importance we give to Scoolinar´s comments (Sussan and I and our whole Team).
I hope we can help Steve quickly on his request.
Have a great day you two🙌
Scoolinary Team
Thanks for your constant watch, Cary. It is much appreciated by our fellow Scoolinars. Hugs, my friend
Sol Damiani
Administradoragosto 27, 2024 en 22:31 en respuesta a Enlace de descarga incorrecto del Recetario en EspañolLevel:Scoolinary Team
Perfecto, Mer
Gracias por comentarnos