Respuestas creadas en el foro
Scoolinary Team
Hey there Chef Rhonda!👋
Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!
I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.
Please rephrase your question so we can help you.
This is a Community that values your participation a lot: that’s why we created “Masters Game”
Win Scoolipoints by sharing a pic of your own dishes in our Community > Social Feed section. If it is really cool you can snag a #ScooliStar: you’ll win 100 Scoolipoints and we’ll give you a shoutout on social media!🤩
🏆Check out our Challenges and score 250 Scoolipoints! Right now we have the #FishAndChipsChallenge going on. You’ve got until October 13th at 11:59 PM CET to join.
You’ll see everything you need to know about how to win Scoolipoints here.
Let’s build a community of foodies together.
We hope you have a blast learning with Scoolinary!
Scoolinary Team
Hey there Chef Aldair!👋
Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!
I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.
I hope Sussan’s answer helped you. Please let us know if it did.
This is a Community that values your participation a lot: that’s why we created “Masters Game”
Win Scoolipoints by sharing a pic of your own dishes in our Community > Social Feed section. If it is really cool you can snag a #ScooliStar: you’ll win 100 Scoolipoints and we’ll give you a shoutout on social media!🤩
🏆Check out our Challenges and score 250 Scoolipoints! Right now we have the #FishAndChipsChallenge going on. You’ve got until October 13th at 11:59 PM CET to join.
You’ll see everything you need to know about how to win Scoolipoints here.
Let’s build a community of foodies together.
We hope you have a blast learning with Scoolinary!
Scoolinary Team
Hey there Chef Filippo!👋
Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!
I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.
I hope Sussan’s answer helped you. Please let us know if it did.
This is a Community that values your participation a lot: that’s why we created “Masters Game”
Win Scoolipoints by sharing a pic of your own dishes in our Community > Social Feed section. If it is really cool you can snag a #ScooliStar: you’ll win 100 Scoolipoints and we’ll give you a shoutout on social media!🤩
🏆Check out our Challenges and score 250 Scoolipoints! Right now we have the #FishAndChipsChallenge going on. You’ve got until October 13th at 11:59 PM CET to join.
You’ll see everything you need to know about how to win Scoolipoints here.
Let’s build a community of foodies together.
We hope you have a blast learning with Scoolinary!
Scoolinary Team
Hey there Chef Dalizu!👋
Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!
I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.
I hope Sussan’s answer helped you. Please let us know if it did.
This is a Community that values your participation a lot: that’s why we created “Masters Game”
Win Scoolipoints by sharing a pic of your own dishes in our Community > Social Feed section. If it is really cool you can snag a #ScooliStar: you’ll win 100 Scoolipoints and we’ll give you a shoutout on social media!🤩
🏆Check out our Challenges and score 250 Scoolipoints! Right now we have the #FishAndChipsChallenge going on. You’ve got until October 13th at 11:59 PM CET to join.
You’ll see everything you need to know about how to win Scoolipoints here.
Let’s build a community of foodies together.
We hope you have a blast learning with Scoolinary!
Scoolinary Team
Bonjour Chef Gil!👋
Bienvenue dans la Communauté Scoolinary ! 😊 Je m’appelle Sol et je suis la Responsable de la Communauté. Rejoins notre groupe incroyable de passionnés de gastronomie et partage ta passion pour la cuisine.J’amène @sussan_scoolinaryteam dans cette conversation pour qu’elle puisse nous aider avec ta demande.
C’est une communauté qui valorise beaucoup ta participation : c’est pourquoi nous avons créé “Masters Game”.
Gagne des Scoolipoints en partageant une photo de tes propres plats dans notre section Communauté > Activité. Si c’est vraiment génial, tu peux obtenir une #ScooliStar : tu gagneras 100 Scoolipoints et nous te mentionnerons sur nos réseaux sociaux ! 🤩
🏆 Gagne nos Challenges (Défis) et obtiens 250 Scoolipoints ! Actuellement, nous avons le #FishAndChipsChallenge en cours. Tu as jusqu’au 13 octobre à 23h59 CET pour participer.
Ici, tu trouveras tout ce que tu dois savoir sur la façon de gagner des Scoolipoints.
Construisons ensemble une communauté de passionnés de Gastronomie.Nous espérons que tu t’amuseras en apprenant avec Scoolinary !
Scoolinary Team
¡Hola Chef Juan Antonio!👋
¡Te damos la bienvenida a la Comunidad Scoolinary! 😊Mi nombre es Sol y soy la Responsable de Comunidad. Únete a nuestro increíble grupo de amantes de la gastronomía y comparte tu pasión por cocinar.
Traigo al hilo a mi querida @sussan_scoolinaryteam para que nos ayude con tu consulta.
Esta es una comunidad que valora mucho tu participación: por eso creamos “Masters Game“
Gana Scoolipoints compartiendo una foto de tus propios platos en nuestra sección Comunidad > Actividad. Si es realmente genial, puedes obtener una #ScooliStar: ¡ganarás 100 Scoolipoints y te mencionaremos en nuestras redes sociales! 🤩
🏆 ¡Gana nuestros Challenges (Retos) y obtén 250 Scoolipoints! Ahorita tenemos vigente el #FishAndChipsChallenge Tienes tiempo de participar hasta el 13 de Octubre a las 23:59 CET.
Aquí verás todo lo que necesitas saber sobre cómo ganar Scoolipoints.
Construyamos juntos una comunidad de amantes de la Gastronomía.
¡Esperamos que te diviertas aprendiendo con Scoolinary!
Scoolinary Team
Hi Adiam
Please let us know if you could reactivate your subscription with our Support Team’s assitance.
Have a lovely day!
Scoolinary Team
Hey there Matthew!👋 Good luck with your next try!
Scoolinary Team
Hey there Leyla!👋
Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!
I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.
I hope Sussan’s answer helped you. Please let us know if it did.
This is a Community that values your participation a lot: that’s why we created “Masters Game”
Win Scoolipoints by sharing a pic of your own dishes in our Community > Social Feed section. If it is really cool you can snag a #ScooliStar: you’ll win 100 Scoolipoints and we’ll give you a shoutout on social media!🤩
🏆Check out our Challenges and score 250 Scoolipoints! Right now we have the #FishAndChipsChallenge going on. You’ve got until October 13th at 11:59 PM CET to join.
You’ll see everything you need to know about how to win Scoolipoints here.
Let’s build a community of foodies together.
We hope you have a blast learning with Scoolinary!
Sol Damiani
Administradoroctubre 2, 2024 en 15:31 en respuesta a EN-Recipe-book-Classic-Signature-CakesLevel:Scoolinary Team
Hey there Chef Quix!👋
Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!
I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.
Please keep in mind Sussan’s notes for preventing this error to happen in the future. Maybe there’s something that has to be adjusted on your phone to fix this. I just sent you an email with the Recipe Book attached 😉 Let me know if you got it.
This is a Community that values your participation a lot: that’s why we created “Masters Game”
Win Scoolipoints by sharing a pic of your own dishes in our Community > Social Feed section. If it is really cool you can snag a #ScooliStar: you’ll win 100 Scoolipoints and we’ll give you a shoutout on social media!🤩
🏆Check out our Challenges and score 250 Scoolipoints! Right now we have the #FishAndChipsChallenge going on. You’ve got until October 13th at 11:59 PM CET to join.
You’ll see everything you need to know about how to win Scoolipoints here.
Let’s build a community of foodies together.
We hope you have a blast learning with Scoolinary!
Sol Damiani
Administradoroctubre 2, 2024 en 15:26 en respuesta a Croissant measurements for lamination & final cutsLevel:Scoolinary Team
Hey there Maja!👋
Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!
I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.
I hope Sussan’s answer helped you. Please let us know if it did.
This is a Community that values your participation a lot: that’s why we created “Masters Game”
Win Scoolipoints by sharing a pic of your own dishes in our Community > Social Feed section. If it is really cool you can snag a #ScooliStar: you’ll win 100 Scoolipoints and we’ll give you a shoutout on social media!🤩
🏆Check out our Challenges and score 250 Scoolipoints! Right now we have the #FishAndChipsChallenge going on. You’ve got until October 13th at 11:59 PM CET to join.
You’ll see everything you need to know about how to win Scoolipoints here.
Let’s build a community of foodies together.
We hope you have a blast learning with Scoolinary!
Scoolinary Team
Hey there Samreen!👋
Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!
I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.
I hope Sussan’s answer helped you. Please let us know if it did.
This is a Community that values your participation a lot: that’s why we created “Masters Game”
Win Scoolipoints by sharing a pic of your own dishes in our Community > Social Feed section. If it is really cool you can snag a #ScooliStar: you’ll win 100 Scoolipoints and we’ll give you a shoutout on social media!🤩
🏆Check out our Challenges and score 250 Scoolipoints! Right now we have the #FishAndChipsChallenge going on. You’ve got until October 13th at 11:59 PM CET to join.
You’ll see everything you need to know about how to win Scoolipoints here.
Let’s build a community of foodies together.
We hope you have a blast learning with Scoolinary!
Sol Damiani
Administradoroctubre 2, 2024 en 15:22 en respuesta a Do you provide jobs placements after completing the course ?Level:Scoolinary Team
Hey there Inayath!👋
Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!
I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.
Are you a professional chef? Or are you studying?
As you may see, we are an online Cooking Platform and while we don’t currently have any open job positions at restaurants, I encourage you to showcase your culinary talents by sharing your creations on our Social Feed. This is a great way to connect with other food enthusiasts and potentially attract the attention of future employers.
Remember, our community is primarily focused on learning, sharing, and improving cooking skills. By actively participating and sharing your work, you’re not only helping yourself but also inspiring others.
On the other hand, if you want to work in Scoolinary, you can apply here: Careers – Scoolinary
This is a Community that values your participation a lot: that’s why we created “Masters Game”
Win Scoolipoints by sharing a pic of your own dishes in our Community > Social Feed section. If it is really cool you can snag a #ScooliStar: you’ll win 100 Scoolipoints and we’ll give you a shoutout on social media!🤩
🏆Check out our Challenges and score 250 Scoolipoints! Right now we have the #FishAndChipsChallenge going on. You’ve got until October 13th at 11:59 PM CET to join.
You’ll see everything you need to know about how to win Scoolipoints here.
Let’s build a community of foodies together.
We hope you have a blast learning with Scoolinary!
Scoolinary Team
Hola Soni
¿Cómo estás?
Por favor cuéntanos si la experiencia con la app mejora luego de desinstalar y volver a instalar.
¿Qué dispositivo usas?
Scoolinary Team
Si, por favor, mantennos al tanto.