Respuestas creadas en el foro

  • profile avatar buddyboss 50

    Riham Salem

    agosto 5, 2024 en 19:50 en respuesta a American Pizza Course

    HI, in the recipe book of the pizza i should bake it at 550 F or 287 C for 5-8 min, but my oven maximum tempertaure is 500 F or 260 C, so how many min should i bake the pizza?

  • profile avatar buddyboss 50

    Riham Salem

    agosto 5, 2024 en 12:34 en respuesta a American Pizza Course

    Hi,i mean in my question that maximum my oven temperature is 500 F, so how many minutes should pizza stay in the oven?

  • profile avatar buddyboss 50

    Riham Salem

    julio 6, 2024 en 11:59 en respuesta a Classic French pastry by chef Jonathan Mougel

    HI, i mean in all the recipe of the course like in passion fruit and mango cream ,glaze in baba recipe,

    vanilla chantilly and vanilla cream in vanilla saint honore.

    in the last recipe feuille d’automne in orange compote page 22, used gelatin bloom 160,is this bloom in all the course recipe or only in this recipe?

    Thank you.

  • profile avatar buddyboss 50

    Riham Salem

    julio 17, 2024 en 12:31 en respuesta a Chef Xavier miniature pastry course.

    Unfortunately , there is no information about the Bloom of gelatin in the recipe book.

  • profile avatar buddyboss 50

    Riham Salem

    julio 5, 2024 en 23:02 en respuesta a Silver Gelatin Equatorial Antonio Bachour

    Hi Elena

    the gelatin calculator webpage which you have shared is not working with me. I enter 6 grams, and the 180bloom in order to convert them to 200 bloom.. but nothing happens. Please advise.


  • profile avatar buddyboss 50

    Riham Salem

    julio 2, 2024 en 09:29 en respuesta a Foundation chocolate technique

    Hi, it is solved.

    Thank you.

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