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  • Question about when you open the dough

    Escrito por djtal7m on noviembre 12, 2023 en 19:22

    When I open the dough with a rolling pin some of the butter goes out (not as much, I weighed and it was about 10-15g) and the layers of the dough aren’t the same thickness.

    Any tips will be appreciated 🙏🏻

    Sussan Estela Olaya respondió hace 1 año, 4 meses 3 Miembros · 4 Respuestas
  • 4 Respuestas
  • Sussan Estela Olaya

    noviembre 12, 2023 en 21:08
    Level: favicon spaced Scoolinary Team

    Hi, @djtal7m

    So that the butter does not come out, it must be cold.
    When working or rolling the dough, it becomes heated, which is why it melts.
    You could put your block of butter in the refrigerator for a few more minutes before rolling the dough.

  • djtal7m

    noviembre 13, 2023 en 07:22

    But it should be a little bit playable, and what about the dough itself?, it isn’t stretching as it should be as he shows in the video, I using 0.5 PL with strength of 260/270 W and 12.5% protein

    • Sussan Estela Olaya

      noviembre 13, 2023 en 14:29
      Level: favicon spaced Scoolinary Team

      Hi, @djtal7m

      The amount of protein contained in the flour you use is correct.
      Remember that if you knead too much you will have a negative result because the gluten network breaks and this causes the dough to no longer be elastic, you will have a dough that is difficult to work with and not at all elastic.
      As a tip, when you are kneading every 2 or 3 minutes, check your dough and if it already has the elasticity you are looking for, stop kneading. Each mixer has different power or speed, so you should check the dough from time to time.


  • Sol Damiani

    noviembre 13, 2023 en 12:26
    Level: favicon spaced Scoolinary Team

    Hi @djtal7m

    Welcome to our Community.

    @sussan_scoolinaryteam will be getting in touch with you shortly with an answer.

    In the meantime, feel free to share photos of what you’re working on in our feed. We absolutely love seeing your creative process. We enoy it so much we’ve created an award; the #Scoolistar. If your pic gets one, we’ll upload it on our Instagram stories and add it to our ‘Culinary Hall of Fame’.

    You are invited to join our challenges as well: We launch one every two weeks, and you may win a Scoolinary apron

    Right now we have a #Scoolithon going on: the prize is a free suscription or a renewal. Make sure to check our Feed to know everything.

    Take care!

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