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  • posting again because it wasn’t answered the first time

    Escrito por samimuktar10 on diciembre 29, 2024 en 21:48

    Hello in the instructions for the croissants it mentions to preheat the oven to 170 C (338 fahrenheit) and to bake for 18 minutes. is there a problem with my oven or is the baking temperature supposed to be higher than that?

    another question

    Antonio also mentioned to make sure the flour has a good PL, is that the same as the protein percentage or something different because I tried to do some research on that but I can’t seen to find any information on PL percentage in flour. and none of the flour I’ve seen in stores mention it on the packaging.

    and one last question.

    so after mixing the dough for 7-8 mins on low then another 8 mins on mid, when we test the dough what do we do if its not creating a thin elastic dough, what is it that we may be doing wrong.

    the flour im using is a king Arthur bread flour with 12.7% protein

    Sol Damiani respondió hace 1 mes, 2 semanas 3 Miembros · 2 Respuestas
  • 2 Respuestas
  • Sussan Estela Olaya

    diciembre 29, 2024 en 22:40
    Level: favicon spaced Scoolinary Team

    Hi Sami.

    The answers to these same inquiries have already been provided. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask, and we’d be happy to help you resolve them.

    Best regards.

  • Sol Damiani

    enero 10, 2025 en 14:36
    Level: favicon spaced Scoolinary Team

    Hey there Chef Sami!👋

    Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!

    I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.

    I hope Sussan’s answer helped you. Please let us know if it did. These questions are answered on this other post you made: baking time and flour PL percentage – Scoolinary

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