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  • Missing language translations or dubbing

    Escrito por Sandra MacDonanld on febrero 20, 2024 en 20:07

    I have recently done the Mousse class, however some parts of the videos didn’t have the translations or subtitles for me to understand since I can only understand English.

    Request you to kindly look into this.

    Sol Damiani respondió hace 7 meses, 1 semana 3 Miembros · 3 Respuestas
  • 3 Respuestas
  • Sussan ScoolinaryTeam

    febrero 20, 2024 en 20:25

    Hi Sandra

    Please, could you tell us in which chapter or recipe you cannot see the subtitles.

    This way we can send it to the content team for review.

    Thank you

  • Sol Damiani

    febrero 21, 2024 en 12:50

    Hi @sandra-macdonanld & @sussan_scoolinaryteam

    Thank you for mentioning this. We are already looking up to it since it has been reported by another member of this Community, too.

    I’ll let you know as soon as everything is OK.

    Have a great day☺

  • Sol Damiani

    febrero 21, 2024 en 14:05

    Hi @sandra-macdonanld & @sussan_scoolinaryteam

    Our team has already solved the issue. You should be able to listen and read in english.

    Please let us know if you can now.

    Have a great day!

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