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Scoolinary Forums Ask a question Healthy/Natural Food Colorant

  • Healthy/Natural Food Colorant

    Escrito por Andrew Freire on enero 3, 2024 en 05:47

    I’m currently taking the Miniature Pastry Course and the DimSum courses and in both of these, they used what they referred to as ‘natural’ or ‘fat-soluble’ colorant.

    In the DimSum course, it was an orange powder that turned green and in the Miniature Pastry course, he uses a blue and yellow powder to make green.

    Here in the US, most food colorings tend to be Food dye in droplet bottles, which is the case at my local Grocery. I doubt it is good/natural.

    Does anyone know what search term I can use or where I can buy fat soluble/natural food colorant locally?

    Andrew Freire respondió hace 1 año, 2 meses 3 Miembros · 4 Respuestas
  • 4 Respuestas

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