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  • Freezing shaped croissants

    Escrito por katherinekiar on enero 4, 2024 en 22:05

    After shaping the plain croissants, chef noted that you can place them in the freezer over night.

    How long can shaped croissants be kept in the freezer before proofing and baking?

    Chef also noted that you should take the croissants out of the freezer 1 hour before proofing. Do you keep the frozen croissants at room temp for 1 hour before proofing or are they kept in the fridge for 1 hour before proofing?

    Thank you.

    Sussan Estela Olaya respondió hace 1 año, 2 meses 2 Miembros · 1 Responder
  • 1 Responder
  • Sussan Estela Olaya

    enero 4, 2024 en 22:33
    Level: favicon spaced Scoolinary Team

    Hi Kate

    I have kept them frozen for up to 2 weeks but I know they can be frozen for up to two months.

    When I take them out of the freezer, I put them in the refrigerator for 20 minutes and then I leave them for 1 hour at room temperature so they can ferment, rise, and then I bake them.

    We will wait for the opinion of other colleagues so that you have more information regarding your question.


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