croissant butter
Hello, what is the minimum amount of block butter to incorporate in the croissant dough for the lamination, in order to have a good product and an ideal shape and structure of the baked croissant.
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Tagged: Butter croissant dough
Hello, what is the minimum amount of block butter to incorporate in the croissant dough for the lamination, in order to have a good product and an ideal shape and structure of the baked croissant.
Thank you
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To achieve a good croissant with an ideal structure and shape, the minimum amount of butter used in lamination should be approximately 30% of the total dough weight. However, many bakers use up to 50% of the dough weight in butter to achieve an even flakier and more flavorful product.
For example, if you have 1 kilogram of dough, you would need at least 300 grams of butter for lamination, though it is common to use 500 grams for better results.
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