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Cooking a hamburger perfectly
Escrito por David Young on julio 21, 2023 en 14:12How can I get a hamburger to be well cooked on the inside and not burn on the outside?
David Young respondió hace 1 año, 7 meses 3 Miembros · 4 Respuestas -
4 Respuestas
Scoolinary Team
Ideally, use a food thermometer, which will allow you to measure the temperature in the center of the burger. Thus, at a temperature of about 75 ºC it would be ideal to consume.
It is essential to cook the hamburgers and help you with a spatula to avoid mistreating them too much and preventing the ground meat from separating.
Therefore, cooking them over medium-high heat and turning them only once is the best option. Three minutes on each side should be enough, a little more if you want them well done.
It all depends on the thickness of the hamburger, the thinner the more you can manage to cook them well done and without burning.
For example, when I work with slightly thicker hamburgers I put them in the pan and finish them in the oven or I use a bowl on top of the hamburger to create an oven in the pan and over low heat it’s great.
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