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Scoolinary Forums Ask a question christmas eve cake – whipped mascarpone ganache

  • christmas eve cake – whipped mascarpone ganache

    Escrito por DAIANE NASCIMENTO on febrero 16, 2024 en 15:02

    Starting from the principle that ganache is an emultion of chocolate and cream, can this specific recipe of so caled whipped ganache receive this name (ganache) once it does not have any tipe of chocolate involved in the formulation?

    Sussan Estela Olaya respondió hace 1 año 2 Miembros · 1 Responder
  • 1 Responder
  • Sussan Estela Olaya

    febrero 16, 2024 en 15:36
    Level: favicon spaced Scoolinary Team

    Hi Daiane

    Thank you for your observation, I am going to send your question to the team in charge for review and as soon as I have a response I will contact you again.


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