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  • Convection oven

    Escrito por Samia Khaled on diciembre 25, 2024 en 11:25

    Hello there! I would like to know which is a better choice for baking macarons and eclairs an oven with fan on or without? Because I have tried making eclairs for so long but my problem is always the oven ! Thank you

    • Esta discusión fue modificada hace 3 semanas por  Samia Khaled.
    Sussan Estela Olaya respondió hace 3 semanas 2 Miembros · 1 Responder
  • 1 Responder
  • Sussan Estela Olaya

    diciembre 25, 2024 en 15:30

    Hi Samia.

    For baking macarons and éclairs, it’s ideal to use an oven without a fan, although some chefs do use this function because it works for them. For this type of recipe, the fan can cause the heat to distribute unevenly, which can affect the baking process, causing macarons or éclairs to dry out or not rise properly.

    It’s recommended to bake these items at a stable temperature without the fan, allowing the heat to distribute more evenly. If your oven only has a fan, you can try baking with the static heat function (without the fan) or at a slightly lower temperature to prevent them from drying out or becoming misshapen.

    I hope this information helps with your baking, and if you have any other questions, feel free to ask. I’d be happy to assist you!

    Best regards.

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