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  • Certificate

    Escrito por Sandra MacDonanld on febrero 20, 2024 en 20:05

    I completed the Mousse course, clearing all the tests in between. However I don’t have an access to my certificate for this course. I did have an option to download, but it doesn’t open the file once downloaded.

    Kindly look into this or help me understand how I could access it

    Sol Damiani respondió hace 7 meses, 1 semana 3 Miembros · 4 Respuestas
  • 4 Respuestas
  • Sussan ScoolinaryTeam

    febrero 20, 2024 en 20:30

    Hi Sandra

    First you must make sure that the course is 100% finished so that the button to download the certificate is activated.

    If it is already 100% complete and the button still does not appear, you can send an email to support@scoolinary.com so you can review the status of the course. I will also ask my colleague @soldamiani for help, so she can review your course profile.


    • Sandra MacDonanld

      febrero 20, 2024 en 21:00

      Thank you for your quick response.

      I have completed the course 100% & did have an option to download the file too, however when I do that, it doesn’t load as a certificate, it just says file size no content.

      i will get in touch with the email provided. Also thanks for your help.

  • Sussan ScoolinaryTeam

    febrero 21, 2024 en 02:08

    Hi Sandra

    Any questions you have, we will be attentive to help you.


  • Sol Damiani

    febrero 21, 2024 en 12:35

    Hi @sandra-macdonanld 👋

    Welcome to our Community! I☺ hope you feel totally at home. Where are you from? I’m Sol from Buenos Aires and I’m the Community Builder.

    When you click the button “Download my certificate” a new window will pop up with it. There, you have to save it on your device and it will download right away (I’m attaching a pic of this button). Nevertheless, I’ve already sent it to your email. Please confirm you received it.🙏

    I want to invite you to explore our Feed. There you can:

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    Have a super great day and hope to see you around often!

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