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  • profile avatar buddyboss 50


    November 14, 2023 at 13:54 in reply to: Developing good gluten network

    Ok, thank you for the advice, and the last question is, when I use my kitchen aid mixer, it warming my dough, I putting cold ingredients as he said in the video and also I freeze the bowl before I start mixing, how I can prevent overheating the dough while mixing?

  • profile avatar buddyboss 50


    November 13, 2023 at 07:30 in reply to: Developing good gluten network

    I’m using this flour for the croissant dough, I divide the recipe in half so it can fit my mixer without any issue, I’m living in Israel and I can’t find to buy t45 flour even online order, but the flour I mentioned have the same or close enough characteristics as he said in the video of the making the croissant dough

  • profile avatar buddyboss 50


    November 13, 2023 at 07:22 in reply to: Question about when you open the dough

    But it should be a little bit playable, and what about the dough itself?, it isn’t stretching as it should be as he shows in the video, I using 0.5 PL with strength of 260/270 W and 12.5% protein

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