Forum Replies Created
Scoolinary Team
Hola Ana María
¿Te refieres a esta receta?
Brigadeiro blanco – Recetas
Brigadeiro blanco - Recetas Scoolinary
Ingredientes 395 g de leche condensada 200 g de crema de leche 100 g de chocolate blanco 12 g de mantequilla Preparación Colocar todos los ingredientes en una cacerola y llevar a fuego bajo y revolver hasta espesar. Dejar enfriar … Continue reading
Scoolinary Team
¡Hola Chef Montserrat!👋
¡Te damos la bienvenida a la Comunidad Scoolinary! 😊Mi nombre es Sol y soy la Responsable de Comunidad. Únete a nuestro increíble grupo de amantes de la comida y comparte tu pasión por cocinar.
Espero que la respuesta de Sussan te haya ayudado. Por favor, cuéntanos si fue así.
Esta es una comunidad que valora mucho tu participación: por eso creamos “Masters Game”
Gana Scoolipoints compartiendo una foto de tus propios platos en nuestra sección Comunidad > Actividad. Si es realmente genial, puedes obtener un #ScooliStar: ¡ganarás 250 Scoolipoints y te mencionaremos en nuestras redes sociales! 🤩
🏆 ¡Gana nuestros Challenges (Retos) y obtén 450 Scoolipoints!
Aquí verás todo lo que necesitas saber sobre cómo ganar Scoolipoints.
Construyamos juntos una comunidad de amantes de la Gastronomía.
¡Esperamos que te diviertas aprendiendo con Scoolinary!
Scoolinary Team
¡Hola Chef Alejandra!👋
¡Te damos la bienvenida a la Comunidad Scoolinary! 😊Mi nombre es Sol y soy la Responsable de Comunidad. Únete a nuestro increíble grupo de amantes de la comida y comparte tu pasión por cocinar.
Me alegra que la respuesta de Sussan te haya ayudado.
Esta es una comunidad que valora mucho tu participación: por eso creamos “Masters Game”
Gana Scoolipoints compartiendo una foto de tus propios platos en nuestra sección Comunidad > Actividad. Si es realmente genial, puedes obtener un #ScooliStar: ¡ganarás 250 Scoolipoints y te mencionaremos en nuestras redes sociales! 🤩
🏆 ¡Gana nuestros Challenges (Retos) y obtén 450 Scoolipoints!
Aquí verás todo lo que necesitas saber sobre cómo ganar Scoolipoints.
Construyamos juntos una comunidad de amantes de la Gastronomía.
¡Esperamos que te diviertas aprendiendo con Scoolinary!
Scoolinary Team
Hola Juan José
Gracias por tus observaciones. Estamos trabajando en nuestra app constantemente para mejorar vuestra experiencia de usuario. 🙌
Desde hace tiempo tenemos la posibilidad de filtrar los Cursos por “En progreso”, “Completados” y ahora sumamos la funcionalidad “Favoritos” para que puedas marcar los Cursos que te interesa hacer más adelante. Por otro lado, si estás visualizando una lección y se completa, pasa automáticamente a la próxima.
Scoolinary Team
Hey there Wilfred!👋
Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!
I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.
I hope Sussan’s answer helped you. Please let us know if it did.
This is a Community that values your participation a lot: that’s why we created “Masters Game”
Win Scoolipoints by share a pic of your own dishes in our Community > Social Feed section. If it is really cool you can snag a #ScooliStar: you’ll win 250 Scoolipoints and we’ll give you a shoutout on social media!🤩
🏆Check out our Challenges and score 450 Scoolipoints!
You’ll see everything you need to know about how to win Scoolipoints here.
Let’s build a community of foodies together.
We hope you have a blast learning with Scoolinary!
Scoolinary Team
Hey there Chef Claire!👋
Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!
I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.
I hope Sussan’s answer helped you. Please let us know if it did.
This is a Community that values your participation a lot: that’s why we created “Masters Game”
Win Scoolipoints by share a pic of your own dishes in our Community > Social Feed section. If it is really cool you can snag a #ScooliStar: you’ll win 250 Scoolipoints and we’ll give you a shoutout on social media!🤩
🏆Check out our Challenges and score 450 Scoolipoints!
You’ll see everything you need to know about how to win Scoolipoints here.
Let’s build a community of foodies together.
We hope you have a blast learning with Scoolinary!
Scoolinary Team
Hey there Persida!👋 (I love your name🌺)
Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!
I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.
I hope Sussan’s answer helped you. Please let us know if it did.
This is a Community that values your participation a lot: that’s why we created “Masters Game”
Win Scoolipoints by share a pic of your own dishes in our Community > Social Feed section. If it is really cool you can snag a #ScooliStar: you’ll win 250 Scoolipoints and we’ll give you a shoutout on social media!🤩
🏆Check out our Challenges and score 450 Scoolipoints!
You’ll see everything you need to know about how to win Scoolipoints here.
Let’s build a community of foodies together.
We hope you have a blast learning with Scoolinary!
Scoolinary Team
Hey there Mohamed!👋
Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!
I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.
I’m glad Sussan’s answer helped you.
This is a Community that values your participation a lot: that’s why we created “Masters Game”
Win Scoolipoints by share a pic of your own dishes in our Community > Social Feed section. If it is really cool you can snag a #ScooliStar: you’ll win 250 Scoolipoints and we’ll give you a shoutout on social media!🤩
🏆Check out our Challenges and score 450 Scoolipoints!
You’ll see everything you need to know about how to win Scoolipoints here.
Let’s build a community of foodies together.
We hope you have a blast learning with Scoolinary!
Scoolinary Team
Hey there Kristi!👋
Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!
I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.
I hope Sussan’s answer helped you. Please let us know if it did.
I invite you to edit your profile name so we get to call you by it.
This is a Community that values your participation a lot: that’s why we created “Masters Game”
Win Scoolipoints by share a pic of your own dishes in our Community > Social Feed section. If it is really cool you can snag a #ScooliStar: you’ll win 250 Scoolipoints and we’ll give you a shoutout on social media!🤩
🏆Check out our Challenges and score 450 Scoolipoints!
You’ll see everything you need to know about how to win Scoolipoints here.
Let’s build a community of foodies together.
We hope you have a blast learning with Scoolinary!
Scoolinary Team
Hey there Chef Pedro!👋
Welcome to the Scoolinary Community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!
I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.
I hope Sussan’s answer helped you. Please let us know if it did. Were you referring to Bachour’s Course?
This is a Community that values your participation a lot: that’s why we created “Masters Game”
Win Scoolipoints by share a pic of your own dishes in our Community > Social Feed section. If it is really cool you can snag a #ScooliStar: you’ll win 250 Scoolipoints and we’ll give you a shoutout on social media!🤩
🏆Check out our Challenges and score 450 Scoolipoints!
You’ll see everything you need to know about how to win Scoolipoints here.
Let’s build a community of foodies together.
We hope you have a blast learning with Scoolinary!
Sol Damiani
AdministratorAugust 23, 2024 at 15:22 in reply to: ¿alguien sabe porque pasa esto con mis croissants?Level:Scoolinary Team
¡Qué alegría cuando las cosas salen bien!
Buen trabajo, Oscar
Gracias por tu ayuda, querida @sussan_scoolinaryteam -
Scoolinary Team
Great! Have a terrfiic trip!
Scoolinary Team
Thanks, mate😉
Sol Damiani
AdministratorAugust 22, 2024 at 17:29 in reply to: Membership renewal – expiring in a week?Level:Scoolinary Team
Don´t worry, Cary.
Our Team has been working on this and assured me no charges will be applied. It was just a mistake from the mailing page we use.
So sorry for the inconvenience.Have a great day!
Scoolinary Team
They are BEATIFUL Olalla!