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  • Where’d my question go?

    Posted by Kyle Taylor on December 14, 2023 at 01:54

    I had posted about the Chocolate Pate a Choux recipe yesterday. Now I don’t see it. Was it removed? Sorry if I’m just blind.


    Sol Damiani replied 1 year, 2 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Sussan Estela Olaya

    December 14, 2023 at 02:36
    Level: favicon spaced Scoolinary Team

    Hi, @kyletaylor78gmail-com

    Sorry I didn’t see your question, can you ask it again so I can help you.
    @soldamiani ,do you know what could have happened?


  • Kyle Taylor

    December 14, 2023 at 03:10

    I tried using Fran Segura’s chocolate pate a choux recipe, and the dough turned out very loose. I’ve made choux plenty of times before – followed this recipe to a T, and I knew it was off. Seems like there’s too much liquid. I tried baking if off, they mostly just stayed flat and also cracked really badly. I’m just asking if someone could review that recipe. I’ve seen other choux recipes before and it’s always a stiffer dough. This was almost like cake batter.

    • Sol Damiani

      December 14, 2023 at 14:16
      Level: favicon spaced Scoolinary Team

      Hi @kyle-taylor-6756 👋

      As Sussan tells you, your question was posted on our Spanish forums (we opened this feature on this language this week and there may be some kind of issue. We are already checking it. Did you get a notification from Sussan’s answer yesterday?)
      Regarding your question, let’s wait for our team to give Sussan an answer.

      In the meantime, you may join our #ChristmasChallenge 😉

      Have a great day.

  • Sussan Estela Olaya

    December 14, 2023 at 11:57
    Level: favicon spaced Scoolinary Team

    Hi, @kyletaylor78gmail-com

    I checked and your query was made in the Spanish forum, that’s why you can’t see it here.
    Don’t worry, your query has already been sent to the team in charge for review and as soon as I have a response I will contact you again.

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