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  • Sussan Estela Olaya

    March 5, 2025 at 19:14
    Level: favicon spaced Scoolinary Team

    Hello Sahmini.

    Welcome to Scoolinary, and thank you for your question!

    After reviewing the ingredients of Seri Pelangi Marjerin, it appears to be vegan, as all the ingredients are plant-based:

    Palm oil, palm stearin, palm kernel oil → Vegetable fats

    Water, salt, soy lecithin → Common in vegetable margarines

    Flavorings, food conditioners, preservatives, antioxidants, permitted colorings → No animal-derived ingredients specified

    Additionally, the packaging explicitly states:

    “All additives used are of plant, non-animal, and chemical origin.”

    Therefore, it is suitable for vegans. However, if you avoid palm oil for ethical or environmental reasons, that’s something to consider.

    I hope this information helps.

    Best regards!

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