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  • Sourdough discard

    Posted by Igor Berlenko on November 12, 2023 at 04:44

    In the course about sourdough bread, there seem to be different recipes using discard and others using sourdough starter. I am being confused what’s the difference between these two. My process as following, after my sourdough doubled in volume in 12-24 hours, I will take half of the volume into separate container, and replace it with same mass of mixture of water and flour mixing into original jar. My question is whether the part of sourdough I taken into separate container at this step, is it called active starter or discard? Should I use it for making bread or pancakes?

    Sussan Estela Olaya replied 1 year, 4 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Sussan Estela Olaya

    November 12, 2023 at 20:07
    Level: favicon spaced Scoolinary Team

    Hi, @igor-berlenko

    After day 6 that you have the sourdough you will have an already active dough.
    When you feed your dough you must discard some of it.
    With the discard or leftover dough you can make more sourdough in another container and be able to give it as a gift or you can make some preparation such as waffles that are very delicious and come out perfect with the discard or Mother’s wish.
    We hope this information is helpful.

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