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Scoolinary Forums Ask a question shinny not sticky croissant

  • Sussan ScoolinaryTeam

    July 20, 2024 at 16:42

    Hi @nimrodorina2gmail-com

    Could you rephrase your question so we can help you with an answer?


  • Sol Damiani

    August 2, 2024 at 14:27

    Hey there, Chef Nimrod!👋

    Welcome to the Scoolinary community! 😊Join our awesome group of food lovers and share your love of cooking. Everyone’s invited!

    I’m Sol Damiani, the Community Builder and I’m from Buenos Aires.

    Please specify what’s your question about so we can help you.

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  • Cary B

    August 21, 2024 at 15:24

    Are you talking about the proofing stage?

    When the Croissant have finished proving, they are a little tacky (sticky).

    I’ve never heard of a shiny Croissant, if you are referring to proving.

    Without context, it’s hard to assist. 😁

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