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  • Mille-feuille

    Posted by ipad centurion on July 3, 2024 at 11:21

    God day,

    I trust you are well.

    Please tell me exactly how you cut the baked puff pastry for the mille-feuille. I normally cut it before I bake it. How do you cut it after baking where it holds its shape

    Sussan ScoolinaryTeam replied 5 months, 3 weeks ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Sol Damiani

    July 3, 2024 at 13:58

    Hi @ipad-centurion 👋

    Welcome to our Community!☺ I hope you feel totally at home. Where are you from? I’m Sol from Buenos Aires and I’m the Community Builder.

    I’ll bring @sussan_scoolinaryteam to this thread so she can give us her opinion regarding your question.

    I invite you to explore our Feed. There you can:

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    Please feel free to add your name on your profile 😊

    Have a super great day and hope to see you around often!

  • Sussan ScoolinaryTeam

    July 3, 2024 at 14:56

    Hi @ipad-centurion

    To cut puff pastry after baking and maintain its shape without breaking, follow these tips:

    1. Let it cool: Allow the puff pastry to cool completely before cutting. This helps the structure set and reduces the likelihood of breaking.

    2. Use a sharp knife: Use a serrated knife or a very sharp knife to cut the pastry. A sharp knife will make clean cuts and reduce the risk of breaking the pastry.

    3. Cut gently: Make gentle, firm cuts without applying too much pressure. This prevents the pastry from being crushed or crumbling.

    4. Additional support: If the pastry is very fragile, you can place a light hand on top of it to keep it steady while cutting.

    5. Cutting technique: For more precise cuts, use a sawing motion rather than pressing straight down.

    6. Flat surface: If possible, cut the pastry on a flat, hard surface to ensure even cuts.

    By following these steps, you can cut puff pastry in a way that maintains its shape and prevents breaking.


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