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Scoolinary Forums Ask a question Ice cream making

  • Sussan ScoolinaryTeam

    May 22, 2024 at 15:38

    Hi @robmanubaygmail-com

    Normally you need a special machine to be able to make this type of ice cream and have the same result.

    These types of machines are in constant movement, which makes the mixture creamy, aerated and, above all, does not form ice crystals.

    Now maybe you can do it at home with a Kitchenaid type mixer, what you do is beat the mixture for a few minutes then freeze it for 30 to 45 minutes, take the mixture out of the freezer and blend again to break up the ice crystals. crystals that may be present in the mixture.

    This operation must be carried out several times until the desired ice cream texture is obtained.

    You can try with a small part of the recipe.

    We hope this information is useful.


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