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  • How to proof Croissants?

    Posted by Ivo Coenjaerds on January 11, 2024 at 21:07

    How can I proof the croissants without a proofer? I tried in the oven on 30 degrees Celsius with hot water in there for 2,5 hours, but I think they got too warm anyway because the butter came out and they weren’t really puffy at all. More flat and droopy. Also the croissants on the inside were only puffy on the outer part. The middle was more like a bread. I think it needs better proofing. I also did not cover them up when proofing. Should I try that? Even when proofing in the oven? (I feel like they get too hot in the oven maybe).

    At the moment I have no proofer available? Can I proof overnight in the fridge for example? Or on the kitchen counter? How many hours would they need?

    Sussan ScoolinaryTeam replied 8 months, 1 week ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Cary B

    January 11, 2024 at 23:11

    Hey Ivo.

    At home, I tray up my Croissant, then I gently cover them with cling film.

    Then I place them in the oven (make sure it is cold) and prove them like that.

    Don’t switch the oven on. The cling film creates a moisture barrier and prevents the tops from drying out. 👍

  • Cary B

    January 11, 2024 at 23:14

    If proving overnight in the fridge, make sure they are well covered. The fridge will draw out moisture from them.

  • Sussan ScoolinaryTeam

    January 12, 2024 at 02:32

    Hi Ivo

    I think having steam on a tray and the oven on was too much temperature for your croissants.

    If you live in a warm place you can leave it near the oven and cover them.

    If you live in a cold place you can try just using a tray with hot water in the oven but with the oven turned off so as not to generate so much temperature and the butter to melt.


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