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  • Posted by Hanna Ovchar on January 17, 2024 at 20:14

    Hi) I have questions about my course. I have done croissants but they look different than yours. They didn’t turn out tall and crispy. Could you tell me what did I do wrong ?

    Sol Damiani replied 8 months ago 4 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Sussan ScoolinaryTeam

    January 17, 2024 at 22:05

    Hi @hanna-ovchar

    The croissant’s puff pastry rises because the butter enclosed in its folds boils during baking, its moisture joins with the moisture of the dough and both condense forming steam, which rises pushing the sheets. But what happens when the puff pastry doesn’t rise well? There are mainly 4 factors:

    1.Inconstant temperature in process.
    During the preparation of the puff pastry, you must maintain two constant temperatures: very cold during kneading and before baking; and very hot during baking. Both allow the correct development of the dough in its different stages and, therefore, favor obtaining a tall and even puff pastry.

    2.Incorrect temperature during baking.
    If the oven heat is too high, the puff pastry rises too quickly, for this reason it does not grow straight and tends to fall. On the contrary, if the temperature is very low, development is slow, causing incomplete growth, cracking and lack of flakiness. Furthermore, knowing everything about how to bake puff pastry is very important because it can help you a lot, since every detail counts at this stage of preparation.

    3.Improper kneading. Stretching the dough too much at the edges, leaving it too thin in general, folding it incorrectly or applying too much pressure on it are incorrect practices during kneading that will compress the dough and prevent its growth.

    4. Neglecting the details.
    There are many things that can negatively affect our dough: inadequate flour, a poorly made cut, poor handling of the filling, etc. For this reason, it is very important to learn some tricks to make the croissant crispy and also rise well.


    • Hanna Ovchar

      January 18, 2024 at 10:33

      Thank you so much! I’ll try to make it again. I think it’s because of my oven. It’s working really bad(

      • Sol Damiani

        January 18, 2024 at 14:38

        Wishing you the best on your next try @hanna-ovchar 🙌

        Please share with us your pics on our Feed. I’m sure they will come up so much better.

        Have a great day.

        And thanks for your contribution @cary-burnett So kind as always

        • Hanna Ovchar

          January 19, 2024 at 13:16

          Thanks 😇 I’ll definitely share with you)

        • Hanna Ovchar

          January 22, 2024 at 09:19

          My next try) It looks better but not yet as smooth and beautiful as Antonio’s.

  • Cary B

    January 17, 2024 at 23:17

    From your pictures, your oven wasn’t hot enough.

    From your picture, it looks like the inside is on the raw side.

    I note with Sussan’s reply, the point about a low oven temp.

    Butter will leak out of your pastry as it slowly warms up in an oven

    set at a low temperature. Croissant, or most puff pastry, needs a high heat

    to begin with.

    Also, keep your dough cold when laminating. 😃

  • Sussan ScoolinaryTeam

    January 18, 2024 at 14:20

    Hi @hanna-ovchar

    if you try to prepare your croissant again, tell us how the process goes.


    • Hanna Ovchar

      January 22, 2024 at 09:20

      Hi) It looks better I think)

      • Sol Damiani

        January 22, 2024 at 13:20

        They look amazing, @hanna-ovchar 🙌

        Your first pic just won you a super #ScooliStar Is it a cinnamon roll?

        Nice job on the fantastic pic! If you’re up for it, we’ll post it on our Instagram stories and we’ll feature it in our Instagram highlights. Feel free to share here your Instagram handle (@) with us if you want a mention!

        In the future, share all your pics on our Activity Feed page, right here: Feed – Scoolinary

        So we leave this Forums space just for inquiries 😉

        Have a great day!

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