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  • Half recipe croissant

    Posted by Sofia Quadri on December 13, 2024 at 14:41

    Hi i was looking at the half recipe dough given. Antonio says to remove 350 g for bicolour leaving 1350 g

    but in the half recipe given it’s 750g half floir and in full recipe its 1500g flour minus 350g bicolour

    so in the half recipe, is the 750 g including half bicolour removal? As its not mentioned in the half recipe give it just says 750g flour and 250g butter and the measurements



    Sussan ScoolinaryTeam replied 1 week, 1 day ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Sussan ScoolinaryTeam

    December 13, 2024 at 19:45

    Hi Sofia Quadri.

    The full dough recipe starts with 1500 grams of flour, and then the other ingredients are halved:

    Croissant dough recipe with proportions halved from the original recipe:


    750 g flour

    112 g sugar

    12 g salt

    375 g whole milk

    50 g cold butter

    35 g fresh yeast

    Adding up all the ingredients gives a total dough weight of 1,334 grams. From that amount, you separate 675 grams, which is half of the dough required for the full recipe (1,350 g of dough for the complete recipe for laminating).

    If you want to make bicolour croissants, from the remaining dough (659 grams), you separate 150 grams (half of the full recipe’s amount, which is 300 grams) and use it to create your bicolour croissants.

    I hope this information is helpful.

    Best regards.

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