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Scoolinary Forums Ask a question Gianduja Ganache

  • Maria Hernandez

    May 21, 2024 at 00:21

    I melted the milk chocolate before and then added the hazelnut paste

  • Sussan ScoolinaryTeam

    May 21, 2024 at 00:30

    Hi @adriaan-moeys

    If all the pigeon peas ingredients are in a “liquid” state and are for a filling, then the chocolate must be melted.

    Tell me, what preparation do you need this preparation for?


    • Adriaan Moeys

      May 21, 2024 at 01:06

      Hi Susan,

      It was the gianduja ganache, used by Antonio Bachour in his Rocher Croissant


      • Sussan ScoolinaryTeam

        May 21, 2024 at 14:03

        Hi @adriaan-moeys

        The preparation will be as follows according to the recipe:

        “In a small saucepan, boil the heavy cream,milk and sugar inverted.

        -Pour over both chocolates (gianduja and milk chocolate) and the hazelnut paste and mix with the spatula.

        -Emulsify with a hand mixer until smooth.

        -Let cool, reserve in a container and cover.

        -Store in the refrigerator overnight.”

        We hope this information is useful.


  • Sol Damiani

    May 21, 2024 at 16:17

    Hi @adriaan-moeys 👋

    Welcome to our Community! I hope you feel totally at home. Where are you from? I’m Sol from Buenos Aires and I’m the Community Builder.

    I hope Sussan’s and Mary’s answers helped you. Please let us know if it did.

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    Have a super great day and hope to see you around often!

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