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  • Sussan Estela Olaya

    August 16, 2024 at 03:11
    Level: favicon spaced Scoolinary Team

    Hi Fadel Sukkar

    Powdered cream, also known as dried cream, is a dehydrated product made from liquid cream. By removing the water content, it retains the dairy fats and is used in baking and pastry to add flavor and texture to various preparations, such as fillings, creams, ice creams, and doughs.

    It can be rehydrated by adding water to achieve a consistency similar to liquid cream, or it can be used in its powdered form to enrich recipes without adding extra liquid.

    Where to find it?

    – Specialty baking or pastry stores: These shops often carry more specific ingredients, like powdered cream.

    – Online retailers: Platforms like Amazon, Mercado Libre, or specialized pastry supply websites may have powdered cream available.

    – Food industry suppliers: If you need larger quantities, some suppliers for the food industry may also offer it.

    If it’s not easy to find, you can also ask at stores that sell imported products or directly contact suppliers of pastry ingredients.


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