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  • Brioche with chef Bachour

    Posted by Ali Hamade on July 9, 2024 at 13:43

    My dough gluten is not well and its super moist, should i add 10% of flour?

    and for the yeast, i user a dry yeast but it did not triple volume ( at the end of mixing the temperature was 26 because its hot but i put it in the blast for 30 mins then 24h in the refrigerator) should i put ice to keep it cold?

    Sol Damiani replied 1 month, 4 weeks ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Sussan ScoolinaryTeam

    July 9, 2024 at 15:58

    Hi @ali-hamade

    You might want to check the gluten/protein content of your flour. If your dough has excess liquid, it could be that the flour you are using is not suitable. If your dough didn’t double in size, from what I can gather, the temperature was likely higher than what the yeast needs to ferment, and it’s probable that the yeast became inactive.

    Fermenting brioche dough in very warm climates can be challenging, as elevated temperatures can accelerate fermentation too much, affecting texture and flavor.

    Here are some strategies to manage fermentation in warm climates:

    1. Use of the Refrigerator:

    – First Fermentation: After kneading the brioche dough, place it in the refrigerator for the first fermentation. This can be for several hours or overnight. Cold fermentation slows down the process, allowing for more complex flavor development and preventing over-fermentation.

    – Second Fermentation: After shaping the dough, place it back in the refrigerator if the environment is too warm. You can let the brioche ferment in the refrigerator until they have almost doubled in size, then leave them at room temperature for a short period before baking.

    2. Controlled Environment:

    – If you have access to a controlled environment, like an air-conditioned area, use that space for fermentation. Keep the temperature between 24°C and 27°C (75°F to 80°F).

    3. Cooling the Ingredients:

    – In warm climates, it’s helpful to keep all ingredients cold before starting. Use cold water or milk in the recipe and refrigerate the eggs and butter until ready to use.

    4. Cover the Dough:

    – Cover the dough with a damp cloth or plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out and to control fermentation. In a dry environment, this helps maintain adequate humidity for fermentation.

    5. Adjust Fermentation Time:

    – Reduce fermentation time if temperatures are extremely high. Check the dough regularly to prevent over-fermentation.

    6. Cooling the Work Surface:

    – If you’re laminating or handling the dough, you can cool the work surface with ice packs or a chilled tray to keep the dough at an appropriate temperature.

    These techniques can help manage the fermentation of brioche dough in warm climates, ensuring good dough development and a high-quality final product.

    We hope this information is helpful.

    Best regards.

  • Sol Damiani

    July 11, 2024 at 19:43

    Hi Chef @ali-hamade 👋

    Welcome to our Community! I hope you feel totally at home. Where are you from? I’m Sol from Buenos Aires and I’m the Community Builder.

    I hope Sussan’s answer helped you. Please let us know if it did.

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    Have a super great day and hope to see you around often!

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