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  • mirko.mazzone.84

    March 9, 2025 at 20:21

    Yes exactly. Better if using a chocolate melanger to get a thin texture like an industrial paste rather then a grainy paste

    • Sussan Estela Olaya

      March 9, 2025 at 20:58
      Level: favicon spaced Scoolinary Team

      Hi Mirko.

      That’s an excellent tip, and I know it will be very helpful for Christofer.


  • Sussan Estela Olaya

    March 9, 2025 at 20:53
    Level: favicon spaced Scoolinary Team

    Hi Christofer

    Welcome to the Scoolinary community, and thank you for your question!

    Yes, that’s basically how it’s done, but there are a few details that can improve the result:

    1. Roasting: Roast the pistachios at 150-160°C (300-320°F) for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally to ensure even browning. This enhances the flavor and helps release the natural oils.

    2. Peeling (optional): If the pistachios have skins, you can rub them with a cloth or soak them in hot water for a few minutes before rubbing off the skins. This improves the color and texture of the paste.

    3. Grinding: Use a powerful food processor. At first, the pistachios will turn into a flour-like consistency, but keep processing and scraping down the sides until the oils are released and a smooth paste forms.

    If you have a chocolate processing machine, as our colleague Mirko suggested, you could use that as well. Otherwise, a strong food processor with a powerful motor is recommended.

    4. Optional: You can add a bit of neutral oil (such as sunflower oil) to help smooth the mixture if the processor struggles to do it on its own.

    If you’re using the paste for desserts, you can sweeten it or mix it with other ingredients as needed.

    I hope this information helps.

    Best regards!

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