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  • Mercedes Delgado de Miguel

    February 9, 2025 at 21:14

    Hola Maha Ismael. Podrías hacer la mitad de la receta o un tercio de receta dividiendo la cantidad de cada uno de los ingredientes por 2 o por 3. Cuando los hagas comparte fotos y cuéntanos qué tal te quedaron.

    • Sussan Estela Olaya

      February 10, 2025 at 01:50
      Level: favicon spaced Scoolinary Team

      ¡Gracias Mercedes!

      Será de mucha ayuda la información brindada para nuestro Scoolinar.


  • Sussan Estela Olaya

    February 10, 2025 at 01:49
    Level: favicon spaced Scoolinary Team

    Hi Maha.

    Welcome to the Scoolinary community! Thank you for your question.

    To scale down a donut dough recipe and make a smaller batch, you can proportionally divide all the ingredients.

    Choose a reduction factor, for example:

    If you want to make half the recipe, divide each ingredient by 2.

    If you want to make a third, divide each ingredient by 3.

    If you want to make a quarter, divide each ingredient by 4, and so on.

    Tips for scaling down a recipe:

    1. Round small quantities: If an ingredient is measured in very small amounts (e.g., 7 g of yeast in a large recipe), adjust it to a convenient and precise measurement.

    2. Properly hydrate the yeast: When using a smaller amount of yeast, make sure to activate it properly in warm liquid before adding it to the dough.

    3. Be mindful of eggs: If the recipe calls for 1 egg and you’re halving the recipe, beat the egg and use only half of its weight.

    4. Knead well, even with a small batch: Working with a smaller amount of dough can be trickier, but it’s important to develop the gluten properly for the best texture.

    I hope this information helps! Let me know if you have any other questions, I’m happy to assist.

    Best regards!

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